Dummit Fradin, Attorneys at Law

50B Order Renewed Protecting Client and Fiancé

A client needed to renew the 50B domestic protection order that had been taken out against his ex-wife.

In the year since the original 50B order, the ex had been making many threatening statements, attempting to defraud an insurance company by posing as his current wife, even referring to our client’s new fiancé as his mistress. This unstable behavior led our attorney to modify the 50B motion to include the fiancé as a protected household member.

Laws governing domestic protection orders do not address whether a fiancé may or may not be protected by the order, but our attorney was able to show the judge that the fiancé needed protection as much as our client. Our attorney also was granted a two-year 50B order, when these are often only granted for one year.

In addition to the safety our attorney secured for our client and his fiancé in court, a complimentary safety planning session was held with our attorney so that our client and his fiancé can feel safe.

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