Dummit Fradin, Attorneys at Law

20 Signs of Impaired Driving Police Look For

What indicators does law enforcement look for to determine if someone may be driving while impaired?

According to the research performed for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the following are some of the actions that may be signs of impaired driving. Police officers rely on these signs to stop impaired drivers on the roadways. If you show any combination of these signs, you may be pulled over for DWI in North Carolina.

Stopped for impaired driving? Contact a DWI attorney today.

It is worth noting that speeding is not generally considered to be one of the signs of impaired driving. If you or a loved one has recently been with Driving While Impaired in North Carolina, contact our experienced DWI attorneys. They’ll gladly sit down with you to explain your options and your next course of action. Contact us today for a free DWI consultation in Winston-Salem, Greensboro, or High Point.

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