Dummit Fradin, Attorneys at Law

I’m Truly Overwhelmed

Let’s face it, lawyers don’t have the best reputation. And if you don’t know any lawyers personally it’s a bit overwhelming trying to pick out of the phone book (I’m dating myself) or based on an internet search. When my daughter got in a horrific car accident, we tried to do our due diligence, but still felt it was a bit of a crap shoot. We chose [an attorney] from Dummit Fradin. To say we got lucky is a huge understatement. I can’t say I was entirely overwhelmed when I met [him] but he seemed very down to earth and honest, and made us feel like we had someone in our corner. Well, over the course of a year I can now say I’m truly overwhelmed. He has been amazing. Every phone call returned promptly. Every email replied to quickly. Every question answered thoroughly. His knowledge of the law is incredible. His ability to handle himself in court is down right impressive. The bottom line though is that he is really decent human being who you’ll call a friend after knowing him for a short time, and definitely the guy you want to have your back. Meeting him has been the one upside to having to deal with this whole awful process.

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