Dummit Fradin, Attorneys at Law

Careless & Reckless Driving Charge Dismissed

Attorney: Clarke Dummit

Type of Case: Careless and Reckless Driving

Case Result: Dismissed

County: Yadkin County

Our client in Yadkin County was in a single-car accident. She hydroplaned on some water, hit a guard rail, and flipped the vehicle. She was hospitalized and not interviewed about the wreck for several days.

Careless Reckless Driving Charge Dismissed Yadkin County

Eventually, the Trooper completed the accident report. In the report, the Trooper estimated our client was going 80 mph in a 65 mph zone. As such, our client faced a Careless and Reckless Driving Charge in Yadkin County. With this charge, there was the possibility that her insurance premiums would skyrocket.

Aside from the Troopers estimate, there was no evidence of careless and reckless driving except the fact an accident occurred. Attorney Clarke Dummit was prepared for trial on the issue that it was not possible to estimate speed in a hydroplane situation; with no skid marks or other evidence upon which to estimate speed. Ultimately, Clarke succeeded in getting the prosecutor to take a dismissal of the case without a trial.

It is challenging to contest the validity of accident reconstruction without confrontation and escalating the discussion into a fight. Being over-prepared to litigate a case is often the best way to avoid having to fight a case.

We were thrilled that we were able to negotiate the dismissal. And, we’re pleased to get such a great result for our client.

Do You Have a Reckless Driving Charge on Your Hands?

Depending on your driving record, a careless and reckless driving charge can have various consequences. That’s why we urge you to contact a traffic defense attorney right away to know your options. If possible, talk to an attorney before discussing an accident with law enforcement.

At Dummit Fradin we tackle many types of traffic violation cases daily and we’d be happy to help. Contact us today for a free quote!

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