Dummit Fradin, Attorneys at Law

Appeal Won for Civil Revocation of a CDL

A Greensboro client with a commercial driver’s license, or CDL, was charged with DWI in Guilford County. As a result, our client was also hit with a civil revocation of his CDL, also known as a CVR. A civil revocation of a CDL can result in disqualification from using a CDL for one year. This means that CDL holders also face potentially losing their job if the civil revocation stands.

One of the biggest obstacles to handling these types of cases is that clients have exactly 10 days to appeal a civil revocation of a CDL. Otherwise, the revocation is allowed to stand and it will disqualify their CDL. Fortunately, our Greensboro client advised us of his issue with only a few days left to petition for a hearing.

Criminal defense attorney Patrick Apple filed a strong motion in opposition to the civil revocation and scheduled a hearing in front of a district court judge.

He made sure to file each defense in his motion in opposition to the civil revocation to protect the rights of our client.

As a result, the appeal was granted and our client was able to keep his job working and using his CDL throughout the pending DWI.

To Appeal a Civil Revocation of a CDL Contact Dummit Fradin Today

If your CDL is in jeopardy due to a civil revocation, get in touch with an attorney at Dummit Fradin as soon as possible. The statute of limitations is absolute and you must petition for a hearing within 10 days of the CVR order or you’ll forfeit your rights. Contact us immediately to protect your license. We have offices in Greensboro, High Point, and Winston-Salem.

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