Dummit Fradin, Attorneys at Law

What Does Equitable Distribution Mean in Divorce?

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Family Law Attorney Jessica Culver describes the concept of equitable distribution in a divorce. Equitable distribution is simply the division of marital property. The court starts by looking at all the assets and all the debts accumulated by the couple since the marriage, and they’re ready to simply split it evenly down the middle. Then the court considers if there are reasons why one party should receive more of the assets or debts than the other party. This would not be equal, but it would be fair. This is what is meant by equitable. There are different strategies and approaches to equitable distribution to make sure each party’s needs are met, whether that is retaining the marital home or protecting their retirement account. So, if you’re facing a divorce, you must retain an attorney to discuss your options. Call one of our experienced Divorce Attorneys today.


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