Dummit Fradin, Attorneys at Law

How North Carolina Courts Determine Child Custody

Child-CustodyMatters involving the custody and futures of children are often the most important in family law cases. Whether you are considering divorce with children or have another custody issue, understanding the process and what courts consider when making custody arrangements can help you prepare a case that puts you in a position to secure the results you want.

Parents or guardians have the ability to voluntarily agree to a parenting plan over the custody and care of their children. These plans may include:

Our family law attorneys can assist in helping clients craft parenting plans that protect their rights and interests, as well as the wellbeing of their children. Unfortunately, parents don’t always see eye to eye.

When divorcing spouses or parties in a case cannot reach an amicable agreement regarding custody of children, arrangements will be determined by a judge. In North Carolina, a family law judge will take a number of factors into account – with the ultimate intention of making a decision in the best interests of a child.

Factors considered when determining child custody include:

Child custody is an important issue, and our legal team has the experience to guide clients effectively through the process – with a focus on creating an effective parenting plan. We also handle all other related matters, including divorce, child support, and visitation rights.

If you have questions about child custody and your specific case, speak to a family law attorney from our firm. Our legal team is available to review your case, discuss your rights, and explain how we can help. Contact us today.

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