Careless & Reckless Driving Charge Dismissed

Attorney: Clarke Dummit Type of Case: Careless and Reckless Driving Case Result: Dismissed County: Yadkin County Our client in Yadkin County was in a single-car accident. She hydroplaned on some water, hit a guard rail, and flipped the vehicle. She was hospitalized and not interviewed about the wreck for several days. Eventually, the Trooper completed [...]

Careless & Reckless Driving Charge Dismissed2021-09-22T15:09:48-04:00

Working Mother Secures Alimony for 7 Years

Greensboro Family Law Team Type of Case: Equitable Distribution, Alimony, Child Custody, and Child Support. Case Result: Consent Order resolving all issues County: Guilford County Our family attorney helped a working mother in Greensboro who separated from her husband back in 2016. Our client and her husband did not file this action in court until [...]

Working Mother Secures Alimony for 7 Years2022-11-22T12:12:17-05:00

Rape Charges Dropped Against College Student

Attorney: Patrick Apple Type of Case: Criminal Pre-Charge on Felony Rape Accusation Case Result: Rape Charges Dropped County: Guilford County A young college-aged man was contacted by law enforcement. They asked to speak to him about a serious accusation from a young college-aged woman. The woman had filed a complaint with the police that our [...]

Rape Charges Dropped Against College Student2021-06-28T12:00:46-04:00

An Unexpected DWI Refusal Hearing Win

Type of Case: DWI Refusal Hearing at the DMV Case Result: Hearing Won! Attorney: Clarke Dummit When our firm takes on DWI defense cases we often look for the needle in the haystack. Many times, we find it and many times we don’t. Occasionally we find a defense we were not expecting, and a [...]

An Unexpected DWI Refusal Hearing Win2023-12-08T13:37:37-05:00

Client Wins Driver’s License Restoration Hearing

Type of Case: DMV Driver's License Restoration Hearing Result: License Reinstated Attorney: Clarke Dummit Dummit Fradin senior attorney Clarke Dummit represented a client on a driver's license restoration hearing at the DMV. Our client had his driver's license revoked for many years because of over 8 DWIs. Last year he had a DMV hearing for [...]

Client Wins Driver’s License Restoration Hearing2021-09-22T15:11:59-04:00

Single Mother Denied Asylum Gets Chance to Appeal

Attorney: Devon Senges Type of Case: Fourth Circuit Petition for Review Case Result: Remanded to the Board of Immigration Appeals for Further Consideration One of our immigration clients is a single mother who was extorted and threatened by gang members in her home country. She submitted voluminous evidence to support her claim for asylum that [...]

Single Mother Denied Asylum Gets Chance to Appeal2023-11-16T16:25:38-05:00

2 Clients Ace the US Citizenship Test

Attorneys: Devon Senges Type of Case: Citizenship Case Result: US Citizenship Approved! Location: North Carolina Immigration Attorneys Devon Senges helped two clients successfully navigate the US Citizenship application and interview process. Both were granted US Citizenship after successful interviews - one on Monday and one on Tuesday. Citizenship Approved for Client on his Birthday For [...]

2 Clients Ace the US Citizenship Test2020-02-21T08:30:30-05:00

5 Counts of Obtaining Property by False Pretenses Dismissed

Winston-Salem Criminal Defense Team Charges: Obtaining Property by False Pretenses Case Result: Dismissal of all 5 felony charges County: Stokes What Happened One of our clients was facing 5 counts of obtaining property by false pretenses. Due to factors outside of her control, our client's business dissolved. So our client was out of work, but [...]

5 Counts of Obtaining Property by False Pretenses Dismissed2022-11-22T12:18:01-05:00

Husband Calls 911, Gets Charged with Assault on a Female

Winston-Salem Criminal Defense Team Charges: Client was charged with Assault on a Female and Interfering with 911 Call Case Result: Dismissed County: Forsyth What Happened A client called the police when his wife became aggressive, grabbed him, and pushed their three-year-old child. When the police arrived they instead began investigating him. He insisted to the [...]

Husband Calls 911, Gets Charged with Assault on a Female2022-11-22T12:22:20-05:00

Motion for Appropriate Relief Granted in Guilford County

Our client, like many others, got a dreaded speeding ticket in Guilford County. Unfortunately, Guilford County has a new policy that makes it difficult to get a reduction on any speeding charge where the top speed is over 90 miles per hour. So, our client hired legal counsel. Attempting a Prayer for Judgement Continued Her [...]

Motion for Appropriate Relief Granted in Guilford County2021-06-28T12:01:27-04:00
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