Stop and Sniff? The Legality of Hemp Odor

You Smell Like Hemp. What's the Big Deal? Since the North Carolina Farm Bill of 2018 has been in effect, which created a large number of exclusions so that farmers could grow industrial hemp products in North Carolina, as opposed to the illegal "pot", which contains THC, we have continued to struggle with [...]

Stop and Sniff? The Legality of Hemp Odor2024-02-09T10:43:54-05:00

Biden Aims High: Past Marijuana Use Pardoned

Pot. Weed. Marijuana. Mary-Jane. Wacky Backy. Cannabis. No matter what you call it, it's all the same plant. It's been widely used in the United States both medicinally, and recreationally, and for its versatile fibers since our founding. In fact, as early as the sixteenhundreds hemp was grown in colonies around the New World. As [...]

Biden Aims High: Past Marijuana Use Pardoned2023-12-29T12:06:35-05:00

Driving is Risky Business: Go with the Flow or Impede Others?

A Typical Commute Goes Awry Driving down our normal paths every day, from work to home, from home to school, from school to work becomes customary, expected, even ordinary. We try to stay alert, we try to stay safe, but these routes become so ingrained in our daily routines that we drive them [...]

Driving is Risky Business: Go with the Flow or Impede Others?2023-12-10T17:50:40-05:00

Las Pruebas de Alcoholemia y las Graves Sanciones por Negarse a Realizarlas

¿Puedo Negarme Legalmente a Pasar un Control de Alcoholemia? Si usted es arrestado por DWI, usted no tiene que tomar una prueba de aliento. Pero, si se niega, habrá consecuencias. Si usted se niega a hacer una prueba de alcoholemia en carretera o las pruebas de sobriedad en carretera, usted no se meterá en [...]

Las Pruebas de Alcoholemia y las Graves Sanciones por Negarse a Realizarlas2023-11-27T11:27:33-05:00

DWI for a Local Guy but the Numbers Just Don’t Add Up

A Bad Day Just Gets Worse With an Unjustified DWI Imagine you’ve had a hard day at work, and you stop for dinner, a little bite after a bad day. We’ve all done it. Perhaps you’ve decided to have a drink with your food. You’re an adult, it’s legal. You aren’t impaired in [...]

DWI for a Local Guy but the Numbers Just Don’t Add Up2023-11-20T09:18:19-05:00

Hero Defense Attorney Rescues Father from False Assault on a Female Charges

Sometimes, a case walks in your door and you have almost no time to prepare in order to achieve the best outcome. That's exactly what happened to one hero attorney, Preston Edwards. With only four hours to prepare, he was able to secure a not-guilty verdict in a complicated Assault on a Female case in [...]

Hero Defense Attorney Rescues Father from False Assault on a Female Charges2023-10-09T12:32:17-04:00

Cyberstalking Dismissal as Custody Battle Rages on

Child custody cases often become difficult and messy, but rarely do they lead to cyberstalking charges. In one recent case, however, our Winston-Salem-based Criminal Defense Attorney Tyler Chriscoe had to step in and help out a client who experienced exactly that. Custody Dispute Gets Complicated Our Firm was assisting a client [...]

Cyberstalking Dismissal as Custody Battle Rages on2023-10-09T12:30:08-04:00

Beating Concealed Carry Charges in North Carolina

Concealed Carrying Without a Permit? That's a Crime  In North Carolina carrying a concealed weapon in public without a valid permit is a crime punishable as a Class 2 Misdemeanor for the first offense. If found guilty of such a charge, defendants face up to 60 days in [...]

Beating Concealed Carry Charges in North Carolina2023-10-09T15:27:58-04:00

Our Newest Winston-Salem Location is Now Open!

Providing Convenient Access to Family Law Attorneys Located at 3400 Healy Dr. in Winston-Salem, help for all your Family Law needs is only minutes away! Months of Preparation After months of careful planning, preparation, and construction, we are thrilled to announce we have [...]

Our Newest Winston-Salem Location is Now Open!2023-11-10T12:57:38-05:00

High BAC: Understanding the Legal Impact

What Exactly is BAC? Blood alcohol concentration or BAC is a measure of how much alcohol is in a person's blood at a certain time. This measurement is usually shown as a percentage. When someone drinks alcohol, like beer, wine, or liquor, the alcohol will go into their bloodstream. The body will then process [...]

High BAC: Understanding the Legal Impact2023-10-09T15:35:38-04:00
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